Sunday, December 13, 2009

» rtorrent with magnet support

I added unofficial (non upstream) patches to the rtorrent builds we have in the Packman repository to support magnet URIs as well as colored output.

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Friday, December 11, 2009

» Packman: deleting 10.3 packages

openSUSE 10.3 has been EOL (end of life) since end of october, and we (Packman) are still hosting our packages for 10.3, even though we don't maintain them any more. Hence we will remove them from our primary server and our mirrors, but will give you some time to make a copy if you need those packages for whatever reason (it is strongly discouraged to keep using an end of life distribution though, you have been warned). In order to do a backup, I would recommend using rsync, as follows:
mkdir -p ~/packman/10.3
rsync -aP rsync:// \
We will delete the 10.3 packages end of this year, hence make sure that you make a backup until December 31st if you need it. And if you wonder why we simply don't keep that old cruft around, well, it's using 36 GB of disk space, on our primary server and on each of our mirrors, respectively.

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Tuesday, December 08, 2009

» FOSDEM 2010 artwork

Just finished uploading the promo artwork for FOSDEM 2010. If you appreciate the event, please consider using a banner or web badge on your site to promote it. On a side note, animation truly sucks. Flash simply isn't an option, and we're left with
  • GIF: awful quality, limited to 8bit, color bleeding, forget it,
  • MNG: purposeful standard but has been dropped from most browsers,
  • APNG: hardly a standard, only supported on Firefox and Opera, but works for those, and falls back nicely elsewhere
Hence I decided to go with APNG. But maybe the animation is a bad idea in the first place. Well, there are static banners to choose from as well ;)
