Thursday, January 26, 2006
Gaim 2.0.0 beta2 RPMs for SUSE Linux 10.0, 9.3 and 9.2 (i686 + x86_64) are available in my "experimental" repository.
Monday, January 23, 2006
» Performancing Firefox extension
Found a new Firefox blog extension called Performancing for Firefox.
Looks pretty neat, actually I'm posting this one using it.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
» Gaim 2.0.0-beta1 with Video+Voice support
I've built new experimental gaim 2.0.0-beta1 RPMs (for SUSE 10.0 and 9.3) that include video+voice support (using silc-toolkit, ilbc, linphone (the latter already being included on SUSE 10.0 and 9.3)).
If you want to test, let me know how well it works (or not) for you ;)
The packages are dubbed 2.0.0_0.1-4 and are available from my "experimental" repository (only rpm-md (yum) metadata).
Friday, January 13, 2006
» JEP-0166 and Google releases Jingle
Now, this might not look particularely interesting... but read it again. Then think about it. Again.
The Jabber Foundation has released JEP-0166 (Jingle) to interface XMPP with SIP and H.323 (also known as "Voice over IP").
At the same time, Google has released libjingle, a JEP-0166 and JEP-0167 (Jingle-Audio) implementation that is used by Google Talk.
It's published under BSD License (and, hence, usable in OpenSource and closed source applications).
Yes, that means that OpenSource Jabber/IM clients can now implement Video+Voice support that is
compatible with Google Talk. Imagine the potential.
The Psi team already announced that they're starting to add Jingle support to their Jabber client,
and same goes for GAIM.
MSN and Skype, with a big, successful and hyped business like Google behing Jingle, you're going to be taken for a rough ride.
Read more at programming.newsforge.c...
» The Collaboration Gene and the Greed Gene
Excellent short article by Robert Adkins on Technetra, comparing OSS and proprietary software with genes and evolution.
Very enjoyable read, and the conclusion is oh so accurate: "Some proprietary vendors are blindly trying to squeeze out all competition and variation. But this only weakens the ecosystem for everyone. Fortunately, as the fossil record attests, the success of excess is fragile and temporary."
Friday, January 06, 2006
» Smart with experimental YaST2 repository support
Yesterday evening, I've released new Smart 0.41 RPMs for SUSE Linux (10.0 to 9.1) that include experimental YaST2 repository support as implemented by Mauricio "netmask" Teixeira.
Note that it's still dubbed as experimental but first tests by a few people show that it has a few minor glitches but that it's working reliably for package installation.
So please help us with testing, contribute your experience with it and report issues you run into (if any).
After upgrading to my smart-0.41-10 RPM, you can add a YaST2 repository channel as follows (as root):
smart channel --add suse-10.0-yast2 type=yast2 name="SUSE 10.0 (yast2)" baseurl= sure to specify the "inst-source" directory for baseurl, smart needs the URL that holds the "directory.yast" file) If you want to use your favourite mirror instead of, still add the repository as above and add a mirror for the URL above to smart, like this:
smart mirror --add that you can even add more than one mirror and smart will balance downloads from those and select the best mirror) Here is how to add the SUSE 10.0 YaST2 repositories (including "java"), Packman, my own and the KDE 3.5 supplementary repository for 10.0:
smart channel --add suse-10.0-yast2 type=yast2 name="SUSE 10.0" baseurl= smart channel --add suse-10.0-java-yast2 type=yast2 name="SUSE 10.0 Java" baseurl= smart channel --add suse-10.0-kde-yast2 type=yast2 name="SUSE Supplementary KDE 10.0" baseurl= smart channel --add packman-10.0-yast2 type=yast2 name="Packman 10.0" baseurl= smart channel --add guru-10.0-yast2 type=yast2 name="Guru 10.0" baseurl= add a few mirrors:
smart mirror --add smart mirror --add smart mirror --add smart mirror --add smart mirror --add smart mirror --add for the "supplementary" repository, make sure to use the appropriate architecture subdirectory ("x86_64" for 64bit and "i386" for 32bit)